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Ikke alle menn har evnen til å vokse et stort og buskete skjegg. Av de som kan, er det enda færre som har mot til å pynte sine med skjeggperler. De bringer øyeblikkelig tankene til de mannligste av skjønnlitterære karakterer, både historiske og fantasifigurer. Feir skjegget din slik bare du kan.
Having a great big bushy beard takes dedication and there’s a huge difference between a well groomed full beard and the beard of a guy who just got rescued after 6 months on a desert island. For the former kinda guy, his beard is an extension of his character. Deliberate, bold, and handsome. To add a bit of flair to his majestic beard, beard rings, beads, coils, and charms come into play.
Sometimes referred to as Viking beard rings, there’s actually no conclusive evidence that Vikings ever wore them in their beards. Objects have been found at Scandinavian archaeological digs that could have been used for that purpose, but they could just as easily have been decorative beads for shoelaces for all we know.
Thanks to the popularity of dwarfs and Vikings in popular media, though, the Viking beard ring is here to stay.
But not every bearded man can wear a beard ring. You’ll need to have outgrown your lazy stubble and evolved past your hipster beard to graduate into the majestic land of the full beard – one long enough to tie into a knot under your chin and have about 10 cm left to play with.
Rings for beards are the most common type of jewellery for heavily bearded men. These are metal cylinders pulled over a hair tie used to gather your beard.
Beads for beards are usually shorter and rounder than rings. Beard beads require less hair to stay put as they tend to be significantly lighter than rings.
Beard coils are open spirals that wrap around your beard. Depending on the material they’re made of, you may not even need a thread to help put them on.
Beard charms are not wrapped around your beard but woven in between the hairs and attached either by clips or spiral-shaped backs.
Det første du må gjøre før du setter skjeggringen eller perlen på, er å gre eller børste skjegget. Dette vil ikke bare eliminere floker og knuter, men det vil gjøre prosessen mye enklere og redusere volumet på skjegget ditt, og gi en sikrere base for ringen.
For en enkel look, samle skjegget under haken og bind det med et strikk. Tre en snor i en løkke gjennom ringen og rundt skjegget. Trekk løkken og skjegghåret gjennom ringen og skyv den over strikket.
For en ekte Viking skjeggring-stil, gjenta prosessen 2 eller 3 ganger nedover skjegget.